Wednesday, January 20, 2010

swimming cell phones

It's been awhile since I've written, but I'll try to talk about all the interesting things that I remember. :)
I just finished my second night shift, so I'm still getting back into the non-nocturnal side of life here at TLC. Our last night, Camilla and I had a different night shift leader (my roomie, Albertina) and it was definitely more fun than the nights prior to it. We ordered pizza and coke from the nearest place that provided a free delivery service and we had ice cream that one of the other girls bought for us during the day. When we needed mugs for coffee (among other odds and ends ;) ), Albertina and I climbed through the dish pit window since the kitchen door was locked. We were like was quite fun. :) Afterwards, Albertina and I set about cleaning the couches...for the first time in four years. If you can, try to imagine four year's worth of rotting milk, vomit, spit, random bits of various cookies, dirt and a few hairballs all mixed together and cemented into the cracks between all the couch cushions (which aren't removable). It was fun. :)
Also while on night shift, I tried teaching my cell phone how to swim. Strangely enough, it didn't work. It was an accident really. I was standing on the edge of the pool, fully clothed, watching the Lions go for an afternoon swim when Albertina (she's always the one getting me into trouble) convinced me to jump in. So I did. And it was so much fun. The Lions are hilarious in the pool. Some of them get so excited about jumping off the edge that they often forget to make sure someone is there to catch them...but, no tragedies. :) After about a half hour or so, I began to wonder why Katie hadn't texted me back...and that was why. So, I'm sorry if I haven't been responding to your texts or phone calls; I have a good reason. :)
After night shift, we get a day off (usually to sleep), so Camilla, Albertina, Mairi (who also had a day off) and I arranged for Gareth, one of the TLC drivers, to take us to Bruma, which is a huge African market...centre...thing...The market was lovely. It reminded me of markets in Mexico, where everybody is your friend, everyone has something special to show you and everything they're selling can be found two shops down...:P I did buy a lot of presents though. I can't go to a market and not buy presents. :) So, Becca, Alli and Adam, I already have surprises for you when I get home. ;)
We've had no new babies recently. We did find out today though that one of the Nest babies and one of the main house kids (she's three) are brother and sister, which was a huge surprise. I have no idea how the social workers manage to make these connections since 90% of the babies are abandoned without so much as a name. We also found out today (at our weekly meeting) that 1...2...3......9 of the babies will have homes within the next few months. They said that this is the biggest group of babies they've ever had leave in such a short time. Obviously, it's a huge blessing. It also means that we'll get several new babies and the groups will all change since the most developed Nesties will go to Fledgies, Fledgies to Grubs, etc...I'm excited to see all the changes. And to meet all the adopting families. :)
Anyway, that's it for now. I hope all is well at home. I think about you every day. :) Much love.


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